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  • Christina Kenkel


Today we go back to the mountains. Our hearts are lighter than on our previous trip. We know we are fortunate to be here after only eight short weeks. Ask anyone who has faced a job loss and they will agree that whether it is eight days, eight weeks, or eight months, when you’re on that side of it, the side with all the unknowns, it can be pretty unsettling.

My Facebook post today: #grateful.

The post I didn’t write: Congratulations, husband of mine. I am so proud of how you have worked so hard over these past eight weeks. Others have been in this situation a lot longer than us, and they have worked really hard too. We’ve trusted that “God’s got this” and He does! How is it that our prayers have been answered so quickly and others still wait? Life is Good. A job loss is so inconsequential in light of others who are experiencing real and permanent loss. The adventure continues. Adventure? Seriously?

Since this “adventure” of ours began, we have had a growing prayer list of intentions we have offered up during our “time of discomfort”. As we look over that list, we are humbled by the needs we continue to pray for: parents who grieve the loss of their baby, a wife who grieves the loss of her husband, taken too soon, and the children who have lost their dad. Hurricanes, earthquakes, unspeakable violence...So much need in this broken world of ours. The temptation is to feel guilty for worrying about a job or guilty that our prayers were answered so quickly. While I don’t have a good answer, and God knows we don’t deserve it, I realize my real Facebook post sums it up. In all the uncertainty and fear this life can bring, the only thing we can control is our response to it. We will keep praying and we choose to be #grateful.

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